Osteopathy is a contact therapy that involves touch. It is one of the most effective and safe treatments for a great number of our health issues because the osteopath seeks to understand three basic questions:
- Why this problem?
- Why has this happened to you?
- Why now?
Cranial Osteopathy - A Gentler Approach
Emma also uses Cranial Osteopathy, which was part of her Masters undergraduate course at the European School of Osteopathy. It is a gentle passive form of treatment where osteopaths manipulate a subtle involuntary motion in the body to help it relax and unwind stresses that have built up in the tissues.
With this information at their fingertips osteopaths are able to decide how best to treat the patient and if it is appropriate refer the patient to someone better qualified to diagnose or treat the patient instead.
“It is far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has.”
Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine
(460-370 BC)
Osteopathy is very effective at resolving or approving aches, pains and injuries. Because it looks at the underlying causes of your problems, it takes into consideration the three above questions. We find that many cases are concerned with the interconnection of the various parts of the human body which cause adaptations and compensations to the original problem!
As osteopaths, we work to ease movement, and integration between, the tissues of your body. This will involve helping you to be free from inappropriate physical restrictions and tension patterns in and between your bones, muscles, glands, nerves, organs, connectives tissues and vessels. Doing this properly can take time; and so our approach is to treat, using a range of approaches, to help you to get well as quickly as possible. Scar tissue even on a micro level can comprise circulation in the body tissues and thus tissue vitality.
“An osteopath is only a human engineer, who should understand all the laws governing his engine and thereby master disease.”
AT Still, the founder of Osteopathy
This also means that the examination and treatment process is quite exploratory. We will do a range of testing, as we start to treat you. From this will learn more about how your system responds and what else it needs. For complex cases, this can be like peeling away the layers of an onion. Diagnosis can become an ongoing process of treating, then checking the response.
Osteopaths spend 4-5 years of training, learning how the body works and then various techniques which we can use to get the body working better. Manipulation, the name for the crunch and click, is taught to us in our first year and we spend hours perfecting our technique, so we are fully trained to complete this technique safely and competently.